Hello World!

View of Shenandoah mountains with 'Hello World' text overlay
I used to be a photographer...

…Hi! This is my first post of what I hope to be many. Where to start? I guess I should begin with a bit about myself. My background is in photography and, after three years of living in New Orleans and pursuing that, I returned to the Bay Area. At another crossroads with a hazy future in front of me and no map, I decided to make a new path and give this coding thing a shot. I took General Assembly San Francisco’s Web Development Immersive course, a twelve week full stack bootcamp, and I completed several web apps and projects there while learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, and a whole lot more. I followed that up with a Developer in Residence position in GA’S next cohort, which has three weeks left. I am currently in the depths of a job search, eager to begin my life as a real developer!

A side passion of mine has always been crafting of all sorts. I fell in love with cross-stitching the first time a got a little kit with a basic hummingbird pattern. It’s so wonderfully tedious! Off and on for the last few years, I’ve completed projects then forgotten about it. In the last couple months, though, I discovered the world of ironic patterns on Etsy. I bought one and would come home from work and immediately sit down, fire up Netflix, and get right to stitching. I was hooked! After finishing that project, I bought five more patterns and am working through those right now. My friend requested a custom design, so I’m looking into making my own pattern for him.

Cross-stitch project that says Get Your Shit Together
This is my most recent project (pattern courtesy of plasticlittlecovers on Etsy). The irony of it hit me one night, as I was avoiding all my responsibilities and cross-stitching this instead.

Well, there you have it. The brief history of my life that has led me to this moment of starting a blog about cross-stitching and coding. Keep coming back for updates on my dev and stitch projects, musings on the strange SF world of tech and start-ups, code and crafting how-to’s, and stories about the terrors of job searching.

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Annie Pennell

Frontend Engineer, CyberPolicy

Annie is a visually-oriented frontend engineer who codes by day and crafts by night. She lives in Richmond, CA, with her wife and three furbabies.

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